Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels Treatment

Your skin will feel rejuvenated after one of our chemical peel procedures at Luxury Aesthetics Centre. You may reveal the true brilliance that lies inside with the help of our chemical peel treatments, which range from superficial to deep depending on your skin's needs. Our opulent facility offers a tranquil setting for this therapeutic procedure. We gently exfoliate the skin with carefully chosen chemical solutions, revealing a clear and radiant complexion. Whether you want to address aging, acne, or hyperpigmentation, our specialists may modify the treatment to meet your unique needs. Take advantage of the amazing chemical peel treatments offered by Luxury Aesthetics Centre to improve the aesthetic appeal of your skin.

What are chemical peels?

Chemical Peels are the most preferred cosmetic treatment on the neck, hands, and face. They are used for improving the feel and appearance of the skin. During this procedure, the doctor applies chemical solutions to a targeted area that causes the skin to exfoliate and peel off. Once this happens, the new skin that comes is less wrinkled, smoother, and might have less damage.

Chemical peels

Why choose chemical peels?

There are several reasons why chemical peels are done. It is used for treating a variety of skin issues, including:

  • Redness or uneven skin
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne scars
  • Scars
  • Sun damage
  • Melasma
  • Hyperpigmentation.

Do consult the skin experts at Luxury Aesthetics Centre to learn more about chemical peel skin exfoliation treatment in New Delhi, Panchsheel, and South Delhi (India), its benefits, and how it can help one to get smoother and more radiant skin.

Who is the right candidate for chemical peel treatment?

The ideal candidates for chemical peel treatment are those who have actinic keratoses, sun-damaged skin, and/or uneven pigmentation. Sun damage leads to sunspots (age spots, solar lentigines or liver spots, freckles, fine lines) and is a precursor to skin cancers known as actinic keratoses. Also, skin peels treat acne scars. Having realistic expectations and a positive attitude is equally important for those who are considering chemical peel treatment.

What are the different types of chemical peels?

There are three basic types of chemical peels. First, the doctor recommends the one depending on your skin concern and type.

  • Deep Peel – An acid such as trichloroacetic is used for deeply penetrating the middle layers of the skin. This type of peel leaves a great impact on the skin. Deep chemical peels can treat age spots, freckles, and scars.

  • Medium Peel– In this type of peel, the middle layers of the skin are exfoliated using acids such as glycolic acid. It is used for treating skin discoloration, fine lines, age spots, freckles, and wrinkles.
  • Superficial peel– In Superficial peel, a mild acid penetrates the top layer of the skin. It is used for treating rough skin and slight discoloration in the skin, also known as lunchtime peel, it is the most performed cosmetic procedure.

How is a Chemical Peel treatment done?

Chemical peels are performed in-office. Deep peels might be performed as an outpatient procedure. Before starting the treatment, the patient's hair will be tied back. The face will be cleaned properly, followed by eye protection like gauze or goggles.

The doctor will numb the targeted area using topical anaesthesia, especially if one is undergoing a deep peel procedure. For deep peels treatment in Delhi, the doctor might make use of a regional anaesthetic that will numb larger areas for the session. They will do so if you are having your neck and face treated. An IV will be administered for deep chemical peels, and your heart rate will be closely monitored.

Light Peel

During a light peel treatment, a brush, cotton ball, or gauze will be used for applying a chemical solution such as salicylic acid to the targeted area. You might feel a slight stinging sensation, and the skin will start to appear white. On the completion of the procedure, the doctor will add a neutralising solution or remove the chemical solution.

Medium Peel

While performing a medium chemical peel procedure, the doctor will use a cotton-tipped applicator, gauze, or a special sponge to apply the chemical solution to your face. This might contain trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid. The doctor might add a blue colour to the trichloroacetic acid, also known as a blue peel. The skin starts lightening, and the doctor will apply a cool compress to your skin. You might feel a burning or stinging sensation for up to twenty minutes. No neutralising solution is required. If you have had the blue peel, then your skin colour will appear blue for several days after the treatment.

Deep Peel

During this type of peel, you will be sedated. The surgeon would make use of a cotton-tipped applicator for applying phenol to your skin. This will make your skin turn grey or white. The procedure will be performed in fifteen-minute portions to limit skin exposure to the acid.

If you are looking for a Chemical peel for melasma, wrinkles, and fine lines. Do visit Luxury Aesthetics Centre to get the benefits of chemical exfoliation and skin rejuvenation treatment in Delhi.

What to expect before, during, and after a chemical peel treatment?

Before the treatment:
  • Before going for a chemical peel treatment, seek the advice of your doctor. Your doctor might not recommend the treatment if you have been taking medicines like isotr-eti-noin for acne, are prone to frequent cold sores, or have abnormal skin pigmentation.
  • Chemical peels have better results for people who have fair skin. Those who have dark skin are likely to develop uneven skin tone after the procedure.
  • Avoid massages, waxing, bleaching, and scrubbing a week before the treatment, and stop using retinoids/ ret-in-ol forty-eight hours before the procedure.


During the treatment:
  • The doctor begins with cleaning your face and covering your hair and eyes.
  • For a medium peel treatment, your surgeon might use a sedative. For a deep peel procedure, you will be administered with local anaesthesia. There is no requirement for painkillers for a light peel treatment.
  • A peeling solution is applied to the targeted area for a specific duration, followed by an application of a neutralising solution.
  • You might experience a burning sensation for five to ten minutes during the procedure. Pain medications and ice compresses are prescribed by the doctor to ease the pain.


After the treatment:

After a chemical peel treatment procedure, your skin is prone to sun damage. It becomes essential to protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 40 or above. Try to limit your sun exposure when the rays of the sun are at their strongest.

After the procedure, you might notice scaling and redness for about three to seven days.

Your doctor will explain the chemical peel treatment before starting with it. Make sure you tell your doctor about the intake of medicines, if any.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of chemical peel treatment in Delhi?

Luxury Aesthetics Centre offers the most affordable chemical peel treatment cost in Delhi and chemical peel for pigmentation treatment price in Delhi. And that’s too without compromising on quality. You can contact us right away to learn more about our cost-effective chemical peel for pigmentation, or chemical peel treatment packages in Delhi, Panchsheel Park, South Delhi, India.

What are the benefits of getting chemical peels?

When applied to the face, chemical peels help improve skin texture and tone as it removes dead skin cells and stimulates the production of new collagen.

  • Chemical peels help to reduce the appearance of premature ageing lines like fine lines and wrinkles as it triggers collagen production and promotes cell turnover.
  • These peels minimise the appearance of enlarged pores by removing excess oil and dead skin cells.
  • It also helps to treat acne and acne scars by removing the top layers of skin and promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells.
  • It also improves the appearance of sun-damaged skin and removes dark spots and uneven skin tone.
  • It boosts skin radiance by removing dull and dead skin cells and promoting healthy cell turnover.

Luxury Aesthetics Centre provides the best & specialist aestheticians in New Delhi, Panchsheel, and South Delhi (India) to use a chemical on the face which makes the skin peel off, allowing new skin to replace it.
Do visit the centre to get the benefits of chemical peel treatment today!

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World class Luxurious Infrastructure
US FDA approved Technologies
World best and US FDA approved Technologies
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Experienced and Qualified Experts
Results at affordable Cost
Best Results at affordable Cost
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Want to look instantly younger? Have any questions? Book a cosmetic consultation today and talk to one of our experts.


S-347, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Panchsheel Park, Near Panchsheel Park Metro Station, Delhi 110017



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